The Development of the Egyptian Orthodox Monasteries


  • George Adeeb Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology
  • Mohamed Amin Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt
  • Mohamed Al-Sherbiny Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt


Coptic Monastic Life, The Development of Coptic Monastery, Ascetic Lifestyles


Early Christians in the first and second centuries embraced monasticism, influencing the architecture of Coptic monasteries.

Leaders like Anba Anthony and Anba Pachomius shaped monastic life and design, with Anba Anthony emphasizing privacy and Anba Pachomius promoting communal living.

Monasteries flourished in Egypt's deserts, such as Wadi El Natrun, which holds historical and religious significance due to the passage of the Holy Family through it and the monastery that disciples of Sant Antony established; it is the oldest Christian monastery in the world.

Early Nile Valley monasteries were small, irregularly planned facilities without walls or service areas, while desert monasteries were larger, accommodating many monks and adapting to natural conditions.

This research aims to study the architectural and urban developments of Coptic monasteries and to explore the architectural evolution of Coptic monasteries and their integration with monastic life and modern challenges.






Architectural Design and Urban Planning.