A Framework for Implementing Sustainability in the Architectural Curriculum in Egypt


  • Reham Mostafa Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology


Educational Curriculum, Sustainability, Application of Sustainability, Sustainable Design Projects, Architecture Education


Developing countries encounter more challenges than developed countries when aiming for sustainability [1]. However, nowadays Egypt is living in a new era where there is an increased awareness of the sustainability concept, its goals, and its needs in various aspects of life. Different notions arose, such as climate ambassadors, women for climate, and many others. Workshops were held in educational institutions, among many others, to enhance awareness at the undergraduate level, since education is the core answer to various problems that people face, and universities can shape future leaders' minds and views [1]. Thus, if sustainability is successfully implemented in the architecture educational system, most of the hardships it faces today will disappear. Hence, the research strives to develop a framework for the best implementation of sustainability in the architecture curriculum in Egypt, through evaluating existing experiences. Consequently, the research methodology focused on studying, analyzing, and comparing the curricula of a Private Egyptian Institution with findings from prior research and another Public Egyptian Institution.   The findings will give insight into architecture higher institutions' curriculum role in enhancing sustainability. Based on the results, it was determined that sustainability is implemented adequately in non-sustainable concentrations. The results of the institution under examination were generally encouraging, but still, greater attention should be paid to the ratio of compulsory to elective courses, which was enhanced within the proposed framework.






Architectural Design and Urban Planning.